How To Sell Expired Dexcom Sensors And Make CGM More Affordable
As any diabetic knows, monitoring your blood glucose levels is an arduous but necessary habit to maintain in order to manage your diabetes.
But pricking your thumb 5 times a day can grow old incredibly quickly. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a method that people with diabetes can use to make measuring their blood glucose levels a little easier.
We buy expired and unexpired G5 and G6 Dexcom Sensors, Transmitters and more. Click Here For Prices
Although CGM systems make it a lot easier to manage diabetes, it can also be incredibly expensive. Thanks to companies that buy surplus and refurbished diabetic testing supplies and resell them at affordable prices, people who have to buy CGM systems out of pocket can save a ton of money. We’ll go over the importance of CGM systems and how you can make money if you sell expired Dexcom sensors for refurbishing.

The Benefits Of CGM Systems
Blood glucose monitoring is the biggest tool you have to determine whether or not your blood glucose levels fall within a healthy range. If they dip too low or get too high, you can lose the ability to function and even undergo damage or complications to your body. However, a blood glucose meter only gives you one glucose reading, requiring you to test multiple times throughout the day and continuously prick your finger. By using a CGM system such as Dexcom’s G6 sensor or FreeStyle Libre, you can easily manage your diabetes throughout the day and stay healthy.
CGM systems will have you insert a small sensor wire just underneath your skin with an applicator before applying an adhesive patch to hold the sensor housing in place. You then connect a small transmitter to the sensor wire to deliver real-time readings to a receiver for you to view. This receiver can even be a smart phone with the CGM system app, making managing your diabetes that much easier.
CGM systems such as FreeStyle Libre can be paired with omnipods to deliver continuous insulin therapy in coordination with your blood glucose readings. Not only can a CGM system help you reduce your A1C level, but it can also help you reduce the amount of time you spend in hypoglycemia. Dexcom G6 sensors also continue to actively monitor you at night, alerting you if you’re getting too high and too low.
The Affordability Problem
But how exactly can you afford to pay for CGM systems? Insurance doesn’t always cover CGM systems for all diabetics. For example, Medicare requires you meet certain eligibility criteria in order to get CGM covered. These criteria include performing four or more BGM tests a day and being on multiple daily injections of insulin or an insulin pump such as an omnipod. For those paying out of pocket, CGM systems can cost up to $300.
Many people with little or no insurance are forced to pay out of pocket every single time they need a new sensor or a new transmitter, and this can be a costly investment. However, there’s another side of the diabetic supply industry that sells surplus and refurbished diabetic testing supplies for an affordable rate. Not only do they sell Dexcom G6 sensors for a much cheaper price than you normally find, but they also buy dead and expired Dexcom transmitters.
How To Sell Dexcom G6 Sensors
A Dexcom CGM system is made of three parts: a sensor that measures glucose levels beneath the skin, a transmitter that sends data to the display device, and a receiver or smart device that shows your real-time glucose information. When the battery in your dexcom transmitter dies, many people throw it away and buy a new one. If you sell dead Dexcom transmitters to be refurbished, you can make money and help recycle your product instead of wasting it.
Sell Now!
If you don’t use your Dexcom sensor before the expiration date, you may be kicking yourself at the money you’ve wasted. However, just because it’s expired doesn’t mean you have to throw it away. You can sell expired Dexcom sensors as well to be refurbished. Companies will use parts of the Dexcom G6 in order to create a refurbished sensor that is just as good as a brand new sensor. Whether you used your Dexcom sensor until it dies or it’s been sitting in the back of a drawer for two years, you can sell Dexcom G6 sensors and make a little bit of cash to help you buy a new one.
Buying Surplus And Refurbished CGM Systems
The benefits of companies that refurbish CGM systems isn’t just the cash you can make when you sell Dexcom G6 sensors, but also the cash you can save by buying surplus or refurbished CGM systems in the first place. These companies will refurbish and sell Dexcom G6 sensors as well as surplus FreeStyle Libre sensors for an affordable price. They also sell other surplus diabetic testing supplies such as omnipods, giving people who are paying out of pocket an affordable option for managing their diabetes.
Instead of throwing out your expired sensors and spending $350 on a new box of Dexcom G6 sensors, you can sell expired Dexcom sensors and buy refurbished ones from the same company. This will go a long way toward reducing your overall cost in managing your diabetes and allow you to live your life with a little bit more freedom and a lot less worry.
Living with diabetes requires a lot of work. Not only do you have to watch what you eat , but you also have to shell out hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year on blood glucose monitoring. If you sell dead Dexcom transmitters and you sell expired Dexcom sensors, you’ll be surprised at how much more manageable your diabetes will become. Take advantage of this side of the diabetic supply industry and sell Dexcom G6 sensors today!